
Yahoo! News: Religion News


Yahoo! News: Religion News

NC church plans to burn Bibles, Christian books (AP)

Posted: 14 Oct 2009 12:14 PM PDT

AP - A North Carolina pastor says his church plans to burn Bibles and books by Christian authors on Halloween to light a fire under true believers.

Clinton urged to discuss religious rights with Iran (AFP)

Posted: 14 Oct 2009 11:34 AM PDT

Iranian Jews are pictured inside a synagogue in Tehran in 2008. A religious freedom watchdog Wednesday urged US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to discuss repression in Iran during upcoming talks on its controversial nuclear program.(AFP/File/Behrouz Mehri)AFP - A religious freedom watchdog Wednesday urged US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to discuss repression in Iran during upcoming talks on its controversial nuclear program.

Former religion reporter now preaches from pulpit (AP)

Posted: 14 Oct 2009 08:25 AM PDT

In this Sunday Oct. 4, 2009 photo, Rev. Steve Scott delivers his sermon to a small congregation at the North Presbyterian Church in Eau Claire, WI. Scott, who worked as a newspaper reporter for 23 years at the St. Paul Pioneer Press, took a buyout in 2006 and went to seminary school. (AP Photo/Dawn Villella)AP - On the first Sunday morning of October, pastor Steve Scott looked far beyond the surroundings of his western Wisconsin congregation to find worthy subjects for their prayers: recent natural disaster victims in Indonesia and the Philippines.

Religion News in Brief (AP)

Posted: 14 Oct 2009 08:08 AM PDT

AP - Rudimentary telescopes, celestial globes and original manuscripts by Galileo are going on view at the Vatican Museums as part of an exhibit marking the 400th anniversary of the astronomer's first celestial observations.

Clinton praises tolerance in Muslim Russian region (AFP)

Posted: 14 Oct 2009 07:59 AM PDT

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (C) speaks during the christening ceremony of a monument to US author Walt Whitman in Moscow. Clinton on Wednesday visited Kazan, the capital of Russia's predominantly Muslim Tatarstan region, lauding it as an example of multi-ethnic tolerance and peace.(AFP/Dmitry Kostyukov)AFP - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday visited Kazan, the capital of Russia's predominantly Muslim Tatarstan region, lauding it as an example of multi-ethnic tolerance and peace.

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