
Yahoo! News: Religion News


Yahoo! News: Religion News

Vatican urges caution over Syria chemical arms claims

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 02:01 PM PDT

Lebanese and Syrian civilians take part in a vigil in front of the UN offices in Beirut on August 21, 2013The Vatican on Thursday called for caution over opposition allegations that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons in an attack in the suburbs of Damascus -- a charge denied by the authorities.

'Hello, it's the pope': Francis calls student

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 12:52 PM PDT

Pope Francis shakes hands with pilgrims as he leaves Castel Gandolfo's central square on August 15, 2013A teenager who wrote to Pope Francis got a shock when the Catholic leader called him up for a chat -- the latest example of the pontiff's down-to-earth approach.

Trudeau takes a swing at Quebec religion plan; other politicians stay on sidelines

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 05:43 AM PDT

Justin Trudeau became the first prominent federal politician to oppose Quebec's controversial plan to ban religious headwear for public employees.

Group: Egypt's churches targeted in attacks

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 03:10 AM PDT

In this Sunday, Aug. 18, 2013 photo, an Egyptian armored vehicle and army soldiers stand guard outside the main Christian Orthodox Cathedral in the southern city of Assiut, Egypt. In the five days since security forces cleared two sit-in camps by supporters of Egypt's ousted president, Islamists have attacked dozens of Coptic churches along with homes and businesses owned by the Christian minority. The campaign of intimidation appears to be a warning to Christians outside Cairo to stand down from political activism. (AP Photo/Roger Anis, El Shorouk Newspaper) EGYPT OUTCAIRO (AP) — An international human rights group has chronicled attacks on 42 churches, dozens of Christian institutions and schools as well as homes and business owned by Christians amid an intimidation campaign believed to be waged by supporters of ousted Islamist President Mohamed Morsi.

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