
Yahoo! News: Religion News


Yahoo! News: Religion News

Saudi religious leader urges youths not to fight in Syria

Posted: 28 Oct 2013 02:19 PM PDT

By Mahmoud Habboush DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's grand mufti, the highest religious authority in the birthplace of Islam, has urged young Saudis to refrain from fighting in Syria. The kingdom has backed the rebels battling President Bashar al-Assad, publicly calling on the world powers to "enable" Syrians to protect themselves, but is wary that fighters could return home ready to wage war on their own dynastic rulers. ...

Vatican's 'culture minister' tweets Lou Reed song

Posted: 28 Oct 2013 11:49 AM PDT

Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi of Italy arrives for a meeting at the VaticanVATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, the Vatican's 71-year-old culture minister, paid his own tribute on Monday to the late rocker Lou Reed, tweeting one of his best-known songs before clarifying he was not condoning any reference to drugs some have seen in the song. Ravasi, an Italian who is the same age as Reed was when he died on Sunday, tweeted the third verse from Reed's song "Perfect Day". "Oh, it's such a perfect day/I'm glad I spent it with you/Oh, such a perfect day/You just keep me hanging on". ...

Syrian troops retake Christian town from jihadis

Posted: 28 Oct 2013 08:52 AM PDT

DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — Syrian government forces retook a Christian town north of Damascus on Monday, expelling al-Qaida-linked rebels after a week of heavy fighting, state media and opposition activists said.

Pope urges dialogue in Myanmar at talks with Suu Kyi

Posted: 28 Oct 2013 08:26 AM PDT

A photo taken on October 28, 2013 and released by the Osservatore Romano shows Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi (R) being welcomed by Pope Francis at the VaticanVatican City (AFP) - Pope Francis called for inter-religious dialogue in Myanmar on Monday at an audience for Nobel Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi in which the two also discussed her long campaign for democracy.

Don't let religious beliefs impede kids' care: doctors

Posted: 28 Oct 2013 04:40 AM PDT

By Genevra Pittman NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Pediatricians and child abuse agencies should step in when parents' religious beliefs keep kids from getting necessary medical care, doctors said Monday. In a policy statement, the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Bioethics also said states should repeal any exemptions to child abuse and neglect laws. Those exemptions mean some states don't always consider parents negligent if they forgo medical treatment for a child because of their religious beliefs. ...

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