
Yahoo! News: Religion News


Yahoo! News: Religion News

Priest found slain in rectory of his NJ church (AP)

Posted: 23 Oct 2009 05:13 PM PDT

AP - A Roman Catholic priest was found slain Friday morning in his clerical robes in the rectory of his northern New Jersey parish, and authorities warned that a killer was on the loose.

RI Catholic bishop faults Rep. Kennedy on abortion (AP)

Posted: 23 Oct 2009 03:26 PM PDT

AP - A Roman Catholic bishop is calling for an apology from U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy for criticizing church leaders who will oppose universal health care plans unless there are tighter abortion restrictions.

Obama offers millions in Muslim technology fund (AFP)

Posted: 23 Oct 2009 02:06 PM PDT

Palestinains listen to US President Barack Obama's speech at Cairo University, at an electronics shop in Arab east in June 2009. The White House Friday highlighted a new multi-million-dollar technology fund for Muslim nations, following a pledge made by Obama in his landmark speech to the Islamic world.(AFP/File/Ahmad Gharabli)AFP - The White House Friday highlighted a new multi-million-dollar technology fund for Muslim nations, following a pledge made by President Barack Obama in his landmark speech to the Islamic world.

Obama to address Jewish conference (AP)

Posted: 23 Oct 2009 09:41 AM PDT

AP - President Barack Obama is making his first major address to the Jewish community since taking office.

Sweden's Lutheran church to celebrate gay weddings (AFP)

Posted: 23 Oct 2009 07:35 AM PDT

Delegates vote in favour of allowing same sex marriages in churches at the annual Church of Sweden meeting in Uppsala, Sweden.(AFP/SCANPIX/Staffan Claesson)AFP - Sweden's Lutheran Church decided Thursday to allow gay marriages in its places of worship, five months after they became legal.

NATO members: no more troops to Afghanistan now (AP)

Posted: 23 Oct 2009 03:07 AM PDT

U.S. Secretary for Defense Robert Gates, left, shares a word with U.S. Military commander in Afghanistan General Stanley McChrystal, right, during a round table meeting of NATO defense ministers in Bratislava, Friday Oct. 23, 2009. General Stanley McChrystal, the top U.S. military commander in Afghanistan, planned an unexpected appearance Friday at a meeting of NATO defense ministers focused on making Afghan security forces responsible for fighting the war there. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)AP - NATO members the Netherlands and Denmark said Friday they will not send more troops to Afghanistan unless its Nov. 7 presidential runoff creates a legitimate government and until President Barack Obama decides on a new strategy.

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