
Yahoo! News: Religion News


Yahoo! News: Religion News

Pope announces day of fasting for peace for Syria

Posted: 01 Sep 2013 09:38 AM PDT

Pope Francis waves to faithful after reciting the Angelus prayer from his studio window overlooking St.Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, Sept. 1, 2013. Francis is asking people to join him next weekend in a day of fasting for peace in Syria. The pontiff invited people of all faiths to join him Saturday evening in St. Peter's Square to invoke the "gift" of peace for Syria, the rest of the Middle East and worldwide where there is conflict. (AP Photo/Riccardo De Luca)VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis on Sunday condemned the use of chemical weapons, but he called for a negotiated settlement of the civil war in Syria, and announced he would lead a worldwide day of fasting and prayer for peace there on Sept. 7.

Pope announces world day of fasting, prayer for Syria

Posted: 01 Sep 2013 08:00 AM PDT

Pope Francis waves from the window of his apartment to pilgrims gathered on St. Peter's Square, September 1, 2013Pope Francis called Sunday for the world to unite in a day of fasting and prayer for Syria and said "God and history" would judge anyone using chemical weapons.

Attackers torch Saudi religious police building

Posted: 01 Sep 2013 07:40 AM PDT

DUBAI (Reuters) - The entrance of a Saudi religious police building has been set on fire, Saudi media reported on Sunday, in a rare attack on a force criticized by the public for its heavy-handed tactics. Formally known as the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, religious police officers patrol the streets to enforce gender segregation and ensure the public behave in accordance with their strict interpretation of Islamic teachings. ...

Pope asks other faiths to join day of prayer for peace in Syria

Posted: 01 Sep 2013 04:58 AM PDT

Pope Francis leads his Sunday Angelus prayer in Saint Peter's square at the VaticanBy Philip Pullella VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Sunday invited people of all faiths to join him and the world's Catholics in a day of prayer and fasting on September 7 to end the conflict in Syria. Addressing tens of thousands of people in St. Peter's Square, he issued a long, impassioned appeal for peace in Syria and across the Middle East, saying God and history would be the judge of those who promoted violence or prevented peace. Francis condemned the use of chemical weapons, blamed by Western powers on Syrian government forces, but added: "War, never again". ...

Pope calls international day of prayer for peace in Syria

Posted: 01 Sep 2013 03:45 AM PDT

Pope Francis smiles as he arrives for a private visit at the Saint Agostino church in RomeVATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Sunday urged the international community to seek a negotiated solution to the conflict in Syria and announced he would lead a worldwide day of prayer for peace in the country on September 7. Francis condemned the use of chemical weapons, blamed by Western powers on Syrian government forces, but added: "war, never again". The United States and France are considering military action against Damascus in response to the chemical attack. The pope asked the 1. ...

Pope announces day of fasting, prayer for Syria

Posted: 01 Sep 2013 03:36 AM PDT

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis is asking people to join him next weekend in a day of fasting for peace in Syria.

Indian religious leader arrested on rape charge

Posted: 01 Sep 2013 12:05 AM PDT

JAIPUR, India (AP) — A controversial spiritual guru was arrested early Sunday on a rape charge filed by a teen-age girl in the northwestern Indian state of Rajasthan, police said.

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