
Yahoo! News: Religion News


Yahoo! News: Religion News

Calif. city may face legal action over prayer vote (AP)

Posted: 14 Apr 2010 04:39 PM PDT

AP - When Lancaster's flamboyant mayor R. Rex Parris calls the City Council to order at its next meeting, it's a good bet he'll open the proceedings with a prayer.

Church-state issue clouds Ind. schools' conversion (AP)

Posted: 14 Apr 2010 08:50 AM PDT

AP - A plan to create what could be the first U.S. public charter schools run by a Roman Catholic archdiocese is meeting resistance from those who worry about whether religious messages and icons will really stay out of the classrooms and hallways.

Religion News in Brief (AP)

Posted: 14 Apr 2010 07:37 AM PDT

AP - A constitutional proposal designed to protect religious school vouchers and other state-funded faith-based programs from legal attack is being revived by the Florida Legislature two years after the state Supreme Court took a similar measure off the ballot.

Anthony Flew, once a prominent atheist, dies at 87 (AP)

Posted: 14 Apr 2010 01:29 AM PDT

AP - Antony Flew, an academic philosopher who expounded atheism for most of his life but made a late conversion to belief in a creator, has died at age 87, his family said in a notice published Wednesday.